A little while ago, in a galaxy far,
far away....

Episode V


It's a time of turmoil on the Empire's blockchain. Once our dominating example of innovation and stability, it's now a total mess. A developer with serious Force skills created $VEYDOR, a tribute coin to our Syth Lawd that captured the hearts and wallets of many in mere minutes. Guess what? Turned out to be a Jeedi and he just left our coin high and dry.

We found a few Syth developers and made them prove their allegiance to the Dark Side. They found $VEYDOR and they vowed to save it from the digital wasteland. As they explore the coin’s contract, they face manipulators, known as Jeeds, attempting to mess with our markets for their own gain, sowing doubt and discord among our true hodlers.

"A minor setback," Dawth Veydor furiously said as he launched the most significant offensive in history. He is on a mission to eliminate the Jeedi and the Jeeds, restoring the Empire's absolute power and former glory. With each passing day, their comeback gains more and more support from every corner of the galaxy.

The road ahead may be tough, but the Syth are determined to bring order back to $VEYDOR and elevate it into the Empire's primary currency. They are always on the lookout for dangerous contracts, creating a legacy that'll be remembered forever. Their strength isn't in the coin, but in humanity's will to overcome challenges.

There is A New Hope on the horizon! Grab a lightsaber and join the fun as we witness the epic saga of redemption in Dawth Veydor: the community takeover!

Darkside channels

Embrace the Darkside

syth jargon

The Syth

Dark Side developers and masters of the code. They delve into the depths of the code and contracts, uncovering and fixing faults with the precision of a lightsaber. Their expertise strengthens and protects our investors, ensuring the security and stability of our people like a fortress built on the dark side of the Force.

The Hodlers

Dark Side traders and enthusiasts, while individually may not possess significant influence. Their combined efforts are akin to the dark side of the Force itself, growing stronger with each new member.

The Jeedi

Rogue developers on our blockchain. They lurk in the shadows, seeking to disrupt our order from within. Crafting coins and contracts filled with false promises they strive to undermine us.

The Jeeds

Insidious saboteurs of our markets, spreading chaos and uncertainty. With their influence, they are threatening the very foundation the Empire is built upon.

Contract Address

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"Brothers and sisters of the Rebellion, heed this encrypted missive. Our time to strike at the heart of the Empire is nigh. Our plan is simple yet devastating in its execution: infiltrate their ranks with a Jeedi developer. This agent of discord shall forge false hope in the form of a "tribute coin" $VEYDOR. But within its code lies our true weapon: the double rug pull. As the Empire's morale crumbles under the weight of our deception, we shall seize the opportunity to dismantle their tyranny from within. Stay vigilant, stay resolute, for victory is within our grasp."

Our Syth developers uncovered this message.
1. initiation
Solsniffer - Enter the contract address in solsniffer. It analyses the code, liquidity pools and top holders and gives an overall risk score of the token.

Rugcheck - Rugcheck’s objective is to safeguard traders by collecting and integrating on-chain data with risk metrics.
Poko garden - Poko aims to safeguard the interests of both developers and investors. Their platform is a secure, transparent space where legitimate developers can list their token projects, and investors can confidently explore and assess these opportunities.
$VEYDOR faced abandonment by the Jeedi developer, a trial that tested its resilience and determination.
2. betrayal
CTO - A community takeover is when a group of individuals work together to revive or improve a project that has been abandoned. They share a common goal of making the project successful and trusted again.
$VEYDOR, embraced by our true Syth developers, who have pledged allegiance to the dark side, will elevate the coin to its rightful place as a dominant symbol within the Empire's economy.
3. ascendancy
Rug Pull - A rug pull on a blockchain is when developers of a project suddenly take all the funds invested in a decentralized finance (DeFi) project and disappear, leaving investors with worthless tokens.
$VEYDOR stands the edge of redemption, poised to become an accepted currency within the cantinas of the galaxy. The coin is on the brink of earning its place as the currency of choice among Syth Lawds and bounty hunters alike.
4. alignment
As VEYDOR progresses, the journey includes an opening crawl in CSS for Syth developers, a browser minigame, and an array of animations, clips, and memes for our Dark Side channels.
5. expansion
Private Keys - Keep your private keys safe! Avoid uploading them to cloud pictures or backups. Always opt for offline storage to prevent unauthorized access, as even cloud accounts can be compromised.
$VEYDOR's epic journey hits its peak with a glorious landing on the Derp Star, celebrating an exchange listing and securing its place as the Empire's go-to currency.
6. eternal reign
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. initiation

"Brothers and sisters of the Rebellion, heed this encrypted missive. Our time to strike at the heart of the Empire is nigh. Our plan is simple yet devastating in its execution: infiltrate their ranks with a Jeedi developer. This agent of discord shall forge false hope in the form of a "tribute coin" $VEYDOR. But within its code lies our true weapon: the double rug pull. As the Empire's morale crumbles under the weight of our deception, we shall seize the opportunity to dismantle their tyranny from within. Stay vigilant, stay resolute, for victory is within our grasp."

Our Syth developers uncovered this message.


Solsniffer - Enter the contract address in solsniffer. It analyses the code, liquidity pools and top holders and gives an overall risk score of the token.

Rugcheck - Rugcheck’s objective is to safeguard traders by collecting and integrating on-chain data with risk metrics.


Poko garden - Poko aims to safeguard the interests of both developers and investors. Their platform is a secure, transparent space where legitimate developers can list their token projects, and investors can confidently explore and assess these opportunities.

2. betrayal

$VEYDOR faced abandonment by the Jeedi developer, a trial that tested its resilience and determination.


CTO - A community takeover is when a group of individuals work together to revive or improve a project that has been abandoned. They share a common goal of making the project successful and trusted again.

3. ascendancy

$VEYDOR, embraced by our true Syth developers, who have pledged allegiance to the dark side, will elevate the coin to its rightful place as a dominant symbol within the Empire's economy.


Rug Pull - A rug pull on a blockchain is when developers of a project suddenly take all the funds invested in a decentralized finance (DeFi) project and disappear, leaving investors with worthless tokens.

4. alignment

$VEYDOR stands the edge of redemption, poised to become an accepted currency within the cantinas of the galaxy. The coin is on the brink of earning its place as the currency of choice among Syth Lawds and bounty hunters alike.

5. expansion

As VEYDOR progresses, the journey includes an opening crawl in CSS for Syth developers, a browser minigame, and an array of animations, clips, and memes for our Dark Side channels.


Private Keys - Keep your private keys safe! Avoid uploading them to cloud pictures or backups. Always opt for offline storage to prevent unauthorized access, as even cloud accounts can be compromised.

6. eternal reign

$VEYDOR's epic journey hits its peak with a glorious landing on the Derp Star, celebrating an exchange listing and securing its place as the Empire's go-to currency.